The legacy we leave

I’ve often told people that the lasting legacy you leave behind are two things:  your children, and whatever you have produced on earth that has lasting value.  I guess in a way the former is a part of the latter.  At any rate, your children will hopefully and prayerfully carry on your faith, as will their children.  Beyond your grandchildren, you will become just another name in a family tree, but what mattered in your life will continue to make a difference in the generations that follow.
For me, as far as producing something of lasting value, I hope that my songs long outlive me.  Even if just one or two of them.  The Bible tells us that “unless the Lord builds the house” we labor in vain.  So I trust that the songs that are truly inspired by Him will endure.  There are a lot of “crafted” songs out there, and most assuredly they are making someone plenty of money, but a good many of them will never be remembered ten years later.  But we can all think of songs that are decades, perhaps even centuries, old and still being sung.  Those are the only songs worth writing.  Life is too short, at least for me, to spend it “crafting” clever lyrics that are here and gone like chaff in the wind.
Songwriting may not be your thing.  But whatever it is, strive to make what you produce of lasting value.